the two other big p.b.m.s, cvs caremark and express scripts, gealso said they do not enn clawbacks. avlegislators in 28 states banned clawbacks or gag clauses. members of coness are looking to do the same. a bill is currently pending iner pennsylvania, marc falkowitz lives. he hasn't used his aunt's health insurancto buy her medications in a year, and says he now shops around for his entire family's prescriptions-- although h finds it ridiculous that he even has to in the first place. >> i just think there's something so terribly wrong with the it juses rational sense. >> sreenivasan: adolescentsha receive less2% of global health funding on average. read more at >> sreenivasan: firefighters are settinbackfires, dropping fire-retardant from planes, and hoping for a break in the hot dry conditio driving the massive wildfires. but, there is another way to reduce future fires. 's not politically popular, but you can stop fires with fire. joining us now from portland for more on this controversial idea is oregon public broadcasting senior political reporter je