cyan. cyan. did you ever wonder why the sea water is a cyan color? it's green and blue. how many people have never wondered that? "so, well, it's cyan--" no, no, no, no, there's a reason why it had to be a cyan. can we have the lights please, ted? sure. -- it turns out that seawater, any kind of water, absorbs, like mad, infrared. in fact, if you take an infrared light and shine it on water, it'll heat up very, very quickly. and it also absorbs a lot of red. so when the sunlight comes down, all the colors, yeah, hits the water. guess what color gets absorbed more than any other. red. no. no, not green. okay. let's try-- let me give you a hint then. begins with r, ends with d. red. yeah, red. good. okay. some people said green. it turns out the red gets absorbed. when the red gets absorbed, is that the stuff that reflects to your eye? no, no. it's been absorbed. you can't absorb then reflect. you take your pick, honey. so if the red gets absorbed, what does the white light become? green and blue. shall i do it again? shall we put the lights off and do it again? yep. and t