welcome to cybathlon 202a. this is the crowd, this is the arena. this is what it's all about. 67 teams from 2a countries are competing across eight disciplines. each is an obstacle course full of everyday tasks that disabled people have to deal with. amongst others, there are races for robotic legs, motorised wheelchairs, and full—on exoskeletons. sammy's competing in the robotic assistance race. now let's meet a couple of other pilots from the other disciplines. my name is salome and i am going to compete in the vision race. i'm owen collumb. i'm competing in the brain computer interface as their pilot. what's interesting here is different teams have designed very different kit for each course. for example, while most of sammy's opponents will be using robot arms attached to their wheelchairs, he's turned up with two faithful friends called dingo and donkey. as i can't use my hands, i need assistance from other people. and in this race, we actually have tasks to solve with the robot. we developed a robot dog with a gripper on top, and with myjoyst