rather, our primary concerns are the low to moderate level cyberattacks mcbride of sources which willontinue and probably expand. this imposes increasing costs at you indicate to our businesses, the u.s. economic competitiveness, international security. because of our heavy dependence on the internet, nearly all information communications technology and i.t. networks and systems will be perpetually at risk. these weaknesses provide an array of possibilities for nefarious activities by cyberthreat actors, including remote hacking, supply chain operations, malicious actions by insiders and simple human mistakes by system users. these cyber threats, from a range of actors including nation-states which fall into at least in my mind to broad categories. those with highly sophisticated cyber programs most notably russia and china, those with lesser technical capabilities but more that there is intent such as iran and north korea who are also more aggressive and more unpredictable. with respect announced nation-state entities, criminals motivated by profit, hackers or extremists motivated by