a nice schematic and you can see that there are various gantrys to treat persons and we know the cyclotron, but we know that is not true. the real source is money. if we didn't have this demand to this kind of technology we wouldn't spend the money. it's the mrn thoney that drives system. whew. i'm glad i got past technology to talk about economics. seriously, back to technology in a minute, but that's the point. as susan said, the various sources of health care costs growth that people have attributed over the years are not separable, and in particular, they all have their root in either the supply of something or the demand for something, and since it's a market economy, it means money. and in this particular case, it's both supply and demand. so, anyway, here's something that i found in someone else's presentation i thought was very interesting. this does reflect the march of cost of technology, and, of course, the march of progress. you know, the traditional technology, which it's not clear that that's really traditional. the real traditional technology, of course, is something the cav