a cynthia duncan is an associate professor of pharmacology. research has antibiotic resistance and collaboration with the university of oxford, some natural component of anti bacterial and antibiotic properties. cynthia done qual wants to develop new agents using substances. this are naturally available in gonna we believe that nature has a lot to offer and to find new palm pounds from plants. so that's how structural diversity to be able to feed into the drug discovery and development pipeline and was as a search in resistance, that the number of it's about is keep the munition that's about the pipeline is running dry. the past 4 decades have produced only a small number of new antibiotics because there is still unexplored flora in africa . there's a huge opportunity to find new agents. women like cynthia done quad, her students will be playing a crucial role in this development. an estimated 40 percent of the roughly 90000 students that key and u. s. t r women figure that set to rise further. alisha in europe as aging populations. africa has the youngest population in the world. a. how will th