. >> good morning, cynthia fong [speaker not understood]. this is 39 of your packet. [speaker not understood]. this is ongoing [speaker not understood]. the work value staff for the year and any specialized skills the consult apt may bring to the table. on page 43 of your packet we have a table of the proposed fiscal year 13-13%backer14 professional service expenditures. this table will show you the five different -- i'm sorry, the six different contracts we're seeking approval for. the type of service that they provide, the previous year contract amount, the increase or decrease in this to the 13-14 contract amount. what the proposed 13-14 contract amount would be. how we procured and how many contract options we have for each of these contracts. the dbe, lbe, udbe goal that was set when this contract was out for an rfp or whatever the basis was at the start of the contract. and the up to date dbe and lbe percentages to date. the first contract we have up for renewal is the contract with the office of the city attorney. the city attorney provides contract advice, gen