questioning these people are selected by the you know they select the people they want right so cynthia mckinney you know woman of color you know because she is a socialist and a radical and denounces us imperialism is pushed out and hillary clinton one of the architects of the expansion of imperialism in the middle east including the disastrous decision to attack libya is elevated so it's not that these of course diversity gender diversity racial diversity is. this is a positive but we can't forget that that in the in the background it's the schumer's and the posi who anoint the candidates and fun they decide who runs you know that very much the case the that's why. whether women are black people who see that merely elevating someone of their. demographic trait to a high position doesn't change the basic outlook i mean you can have women in the military and the invasion of afghanistan and claiming to be liberating women and this is nonsense so once one sees that one sees that and i think i find it more apparent in the prison movement among black revolutionaries one sees that then one is willing