you over at cypress point having a carry 2 bags we'd move. back to the to do a nice course something. no you know i was always fascinated with. i can't say that i always knew of one that or or. even at times still do but i do love still i think. telling stories creating a parts that affects people moves people either to tears or laughter is. something that's. really is just you know it's it's a beautiful thing in life and life would be sort of both out art without music without film without you know without the arts and so i was always fascinated with this idea of storytelling and then you know growing up watching my father. tell these incredibly stories i remember i remember them squares day it was 10 years old or so and. i was so. it was watching unforgiven and it's the moment when when he's telling young young schofield kid that. you know we all got it coming kid. and i just remember going to this hell of a movie and just thinking that's what i mean. listen i thought the mount rushmore great westerns was close with john ford and the search