be slowly clean stop the toxins money may be able to walk again and enjoying life like other kids cyrano possible movie was over eight hundred thousand dollars beyond comprehension for you lana love the family with the first signs of the disease she pictish and all sorts of everything is nations there was a both to suit the local authorities when in april they finally agreed to provide the money for the drug better then they speak of paper simple use license to life. when i got this letter i was so hopeful it meant that my child would live. there waited weeks then months in early june a bogus health took a turn for the worst and he died never having seen it on his truck. most people agree that losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to a parent but he was assessed it's not the worst thing for her is to leave the rest of her life knowing that her child could have been saved but the treatment was there and these exorbitant money was found. that tape or administrative procedures whatever you call it. was never given a chance. to say there was absolutely no way to speed things up t