you guys read -- you remember cyrus boyd was an iowa soldier and i had you read his account of shiloh. it sort of woke him up to what war is about. there was a soldier named thomas jeffreys. thomas it turns out, if you go in the roles you won't find this but in the back of cyrus boyd's diary he has a cast of characters, he talks like tiny biographical sketch of everybody in his regimen. thomas was a local black man. he enlisted and faced a lot of resistance, some thought it was a good idea, some didn't. she accepted, then dies of typhus. my point about jeffreys -- pardon -- i know. exactly. i'd love to tell enthusiasm is a happy story, it's really not. what it does say is that there's a clear attempt from the beginning on the part of black men to serve in the union army and they do serve in the union navy and merchant marine. but to be rebuffed from the army officially is enormously significant. and that's the official army line. really for more than a year for the beginning of the war. the bar was officially lifted against black enlistment by the militia act of july 1862. well, sort