and then my third favorite mission is cyrus rex. that is a little spacecraft that just arrived at the asteroid benu. benu is about the size of the empire state building. it could potentially collide with us over the next 200 yease. s a good idea to understand what it'sedoing up thre, whats orbit is. eventually the team would like to bring back a sample from benu, to do sophisticated laboratory tests here on the ground. but what's interesting is theyy alreund the presence of water on benu, not the good water, but inside claiz. so, william, if you're thinking about extending out human presence into space, hydrogen and oxygen in water, that'set rofuel. and so that could be a filling station to the stars for us. and i'll leave it at that. >> brangham: miles o'brien, as always, thank you so much. >> woodruff: tonight's brief but spectacular episode features franny choi, a poet whose work examines contemporary social issues. her first poetry collection is called "floating, brilliant, goneand is available now. >> there are only so many par