a good portion of them were people dealing with various forms of cancer: prostate, cystic fibrosis, multiple. and there were people in there with hiv. the stink was that somebody said-- a writer in the new yorker was saying that i was using my own status as a kind of license to make people-- to manipulate people. and that, she says, thinking people-- the only thing they can do is just-- because she said, "i'm not interested"-- how did it go? "in disenfranchised blacks, abused women, fat people," such and such, which is all things that she thought that i was-- the menu i was promoting. i was just talking about marginalized people in general. she said, "i'm not interested in any of that, "and therefore all we should do, and i encourage you to do, is just don't go," you know? as she didn't go. she didn't go see it. she had made up her mind that i had, "worked dying people into my act." there were videos manipulated by a professional video artist, quite beautiful portraits that only happened at a few places through the piece, and at the end. primarily, it was my transposing the materials from th