or cystic fibrosis is recessive, or diabetes or many, and it takes up to 20 generations for recessive mutations to express themselves. so we're talking about eons of time for expression of genetic disease--that's the second thing. the third thing is if the man's got plutonium in his testicles--and every male in the northern hemisphere has a tiny load in his gonad--it's from weapons testing days, and plutonium istill falling out. and the man is cremated, the smoke goes up the chimney with the plutonium, so you can breathe it in, another man can, and it's ad infinitum because plutonium has a half-life of 24,400 years and lasts for a long time. but the other thing is that the body thinks plutonium is iron--it's an iron analogue--so it's stored in the liver, where it causes liver cancer. it's stored in the bone marrow to cause--to produce hemoglobin in the red blood cells, but it causes leukemia or bone cancer. it crosses the placenta into the developing embryo--which lets nothing through it, incidentally, except plutonium and a few other nasties. it's stored in the testicle, too. so it's