determine how the dna is being used, we have studies where we can look at the different proteins in cytosolnd generate vast data that means we need biologist to analyze the data and the great news is computer power has been outpaced by the growth of the data we've produced, who got to where we have machine learning nai digging into the data to find the patent and that is, there's no t use having office data if we can extract anything from them so that means if you've got programming skills, hopefully you can go ino and hep the biologist interpret some of the data and give a concrete example, fascinating breakthrough, about a decade ago, this is what happens when you lookic at these marks, thins that determine which genes are turned on or off in our cells in a biologist that there must be a relationship in this the problem was he couldn't find anything, it was very speculative so what he did was took advantage of the biological data put out a line free for anybody to use. he demos ao bunch of different data, extinct or dna him he downloaded this data with a variety of unrelated experiments f