d. p. r. case neighbors into the broader international community. we continue to call him the pure k, at, to refrain from further further provocations and importantly, to engage in sustained and sustained in substantive dialogue. what we have been open to you and in fact, calling for, for some time now. so what exactly makes hypersonic weapons? so difference must be a big factor. hypersonic missiles fly towards targets, lower altitudes, and can travel more than 5 times the speed of signs or over 6000 kilometers an hour . the main difference though, is that they can be rapidly maneuvered after they've been launched. on like ballistic missiles, hypersonic weapons, don't follow a pre determined path. their trajectory can be altered, which means they're difficult to stop. all these things speeds, agility, and low altitude, make it difficult for ground based radar systems to detect them. china, russia, and the u. s. so leaders and hypersonic weapons and several other countries including japan, germany, france, and india, are reportedly investing in them.