d. trinkets we have the ability to print anywhere at any time but that's only american print anything. until the last. the winter is always a reminder of how we should look after our health with a indy's everywhere feeling the strain particularly at this time of year there's no doubt that organ transplants save lives but waiting lists for compatible donors can never be shortened off so what if there were a way of producing compatible organs on demand. bio printing has traditionally meant printing biocompatible materials as a base for cells to grow there it may sound far fetched scientists have already money to print the human ear and all the tissues just take a scan of the organ to create a three d. blueprint cells are then taken from the patient which are then placed in a culture to multiply the cells are then painstakingly placed on the three d. printer scuffled which is then incubator to produce a functioning all. three d. b. . io printing solutions opened this lapse in september two thousand and thirteen with the sole purpose of tissue engineering supported by the moscow department