d. u. s u k l is fairly a pushing forward. no, we're powered summary and cooperation is 368000000000. australian dollar plan is for australia to buy at least 3 and new for powered for junior class summaries from the us in the early 2030. another please will be followed with australia and return to build their own class submarine noting australia or receiving it's for summer rain. in the early 20 forty's, the meal reflects the 3 countries syndrome wanted practices that despise the international rules. one of the countries in the region by china is talking about is indonesia. the closest neighbor off australia and a nation has also raised concern on the heat up of the arms race, which clearly disrupts regional security and stability. the nation stated several times before that it does not want its territory to become part of the theater of conflict. of these countries against china, indonesia standpoint is clear. our arca, pelagic ceilings cannot be used for activities related to war, the preparation of war or non peaceful activ