d.a. henderson, directed the who's successful campaign to eradicate smallpox and he then came to the school as its eight dean. henderson was pre henderson went on to establish the center for health security you heard about earlier which is now approaching its 20th anniversary. alfred summer and henry moseley, two other notable eis officers, were sent to assess the 1970 cyclone and tidal bore that decimated east bengal, now part of bangladesh. their goal was to guide long-term relief and recovery planning. their eis experience as epidemic fighters was a spring-board for outstanding achievements in research, training and administration at the bloomberg school. dr. summer became our ninth dean and dr. moseley chaired the department of population dynamics for over 20 years. the school's experience in fighting influenza built the foundation for its rise to international prominence in vaccine development, evaluation and policy. the faculty have and continue to work on advancing the issues and development, testing and policy for vaccines against cholera, influenza, hpv, measles. malaria, dengue as