it would start at 7:00 a.m., and end at 11:00 p.m., with one event at 1:00 a.m. that would be 8 d.b. and d.b.a. and d.b.c., 250 feet from the property line and at the offsite residen residence. the main noise control measures, we've committed to a hotline to address complaints. that's 24/7/365. manned location. so it will be accessible, provided for monthly stake holders. and providing outreach as soon as possible. we know that the event will take place. calibrating volume settings 24 hours prior to the period in which we'll use the amplified sound and make sure that we're complying with our proposed limits, particularly measuring the sounds, adjusting the sound immediately, if needed. on the nonspecial events, the first 12 months that we'll commit to measuring the sound to make sure that we are in compliance and restart a six-month period if demonstrated any exceedances. we'll review data for three years, noise and daddy -- data complaints as well. public outreach, we've had numerous conversation with ucsf, the hospital, also representatives from mission bay c.a.c., life science roundtable, south beach