clegg,- d.c. herekthe extent to wh) political support by the media for an individual party ork)k)k) policy to staff suchk)k)k)k)k)k) interactions. ank)dk) ubp clear that the topi! certainly raised as far as youk! are concerned.k-k-k/k/k-k- he says k-i always understand tt o-is is thek- last in since abo- 47, his only generation tok-k-k- newspapersk- that share yourk)k) parties liberal values. is that right? >> well, i will give you an example. before the last general election, you now, i never once entertained for a millisecond that "daily mail" or the telegraph would come out in support of the liberal democrats, but that didn't mean that i thought it was a waste time to try and seek to explain to them what they stood for, what my plans were for the party, so that if not in the editorial starts, nonetheless have the courage they would give us the hearing. i would still do that today. and there were other newspap