surplus due to revenue growth and those dollars were programmed in the mayor's budget to fund our d.h. r. contributions some of the items in the mayor's budget such as the humming bird, the saint mary's some of those other prioritys so our net general fund when you factor in the surplus is $682 million and $704 million over the two years so we're doing better than that target that was adopted by the health commission last year. that's a recap before we ended up compared to our discussions last year. so now -- what i'm going to show you is we have updated this projection and i'm noticing the column might need to be widened. >> i see there's a little bit of a -- all right. so i'll do this and i'll scroll back and fourth and this is an updated version of what we looked at last year at financial planning session and this is essentially taking the mayor's financial forecast and isolating the d.p.h.-only portion of it and so you can see at the top there there are expenditures and those are broken out by the large catagories, salary and fringe benefits and contracts and other items electronic h