do is affected by rules that these people make anything that involves health care is dictated by a d.h. us. apply for job, there are requirements and regulations especially employers have to comply with the compliance cost to satisfy those regulators have grownn exponentially education and schools are managed that used to be the quintessential local institution where americans governed themselves now they are dictated to by washington. every aspect of life is shaped by rules or was made and enforced by people they don't vote for or cannot name that date, how to manage the lives of ordinary americans than ordinary americans. >> you use the 1927 radio act but. >> herbert hoover has gone down as laissez-faire conservatives was a progressive and the radioactive initially the federal radio commission the power to issue a license to p people to operate by radio t according to their sense of public convenience andad necessity the commissioners got to decide if the public really needed a radio outlet that is tremendously powerful power previously newspapers were unregulated you did not need a lice