da da da da da da da ♪ my my my delilah ♪ da ba da ba da ba day why why, delilah? ♪ da ba da ba da ba da ba da ♪ so before they come to break down the door ♪ ♪ forgive me, delilah, i just couldn't take any more ♪ ♪ forgive me, delilah, i just couldn't take ♪ ♪ any more "men aloud" comes to you through public television. more about that from your public television station. and when you come back -- ♪ but every now and then, i fall apart ♪ ♪ turn around, bright eyes ♪ all by myself what an amazing group. what a wonderful sound that is. now, they're well-known and they're very successful over there, but they're new here, and that's what we like to do at public television -- bring you this great, new music. i'm mark simone, and with us in the studio, the music director, tim rhys-evans. tim, so good to have you here with us. it's great to be here, mark, thank you. i loved that medley. i am the biggest tom jones fan in the world. i have to beg to differ, i'm afraid. i think i'm the biggest tom jones fan, but we'll argue about that later. that fight com