it must contemporary forms with traditional african da ntz, contemporary forms with traditional africane about the kind of social and political m essa g es kind of social and political messages that you express when you da ntz. —— dance. messages that you express when you dantz. -- dance. the first political message is to be seen as black people, we are powerful. the second is we are trying to tell the world that we are still free, but we still have two push ourselves. and we have two push ourselves like ten times harder than any other individual. before i try out some moves, the teacher and performer has offered to show me some beginner steps. i have heard a lot about this step. i know nothing about it. tell me about it. it is named for the mimicking of the signs that the trains are used. this is the first. and then we go back. that's it. now we are going to go fast because the train is going fast. can't get on the train slow. yes! i think danny galea is a bit more practice though. ——i think they need. for him and other pantsula the former is, they want to see the debts continue to gro