. -- dacey i.t -- the cit applications will be out next week. the city could use your service. especially with dealing with mental health crisis -- crises. and to help the stakeholders who put together the training that will be launched in the next couple of months. i think it will be at to week or so turnaround to apply for the position. i do want to get the word out there. >> thank you. line-item 3d. announcements and scheduling . is there anything we need to discuss tonight? >> the chief gave such an impressive report i am most reluctant to bring this up. at one point when we were talking, you indicated the academy and it looks like we will get an academy this year and you have indicated at an earlier meeting that there would be testing for qualified applicants. i wanted to put out there that as soon as you have had the thoughts and everything together in terms of what you are looking for in canada its, it would be of interest as it would be two other commissioners to see what those " the taste -- qualification criteria would consist of and not only let us know but also an o