. -- dada accessibility, it is curious. unfortunately, we were not brought to the table when it comes to pedestrian measures. data collection is a key point for the disability community. the majority of injuries happen in district 6. it is an area heavily populated by not only seniors, but by a feeble with disabilities. and when we have this data based on age, we really miss a huge segment of the population possibility to navigate. -- population's ability to navigate. many to be helping people with vision disabilities and cooperative impairment. children respond much better to crossing streets when they have an audible, too. of course, that also helps the blind community. what i am saying is we need to stop thinking about the disability community as another item that makes pedestrian safety more expensive. also, as a way of incorporating funding and working together to create an environment that is more universally accessible and safe for everybody. thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. what will be i