it looked like a different group of people, and i remember the speaker say, "dadadadada," and i thought to myself, "i know what he means. i have studied the right. i know trial lawyers, and gila monsters who hate hard-working entrepreneurs." the people in america know why these people are giving trial lawyers standing ovations. if they know anything about about trial lawyers, they noted these are the people the, you know, protect us from corporate malfeasance, so i thought that these guys really do not know how to speak american any more. they are really losing their touch, and then another movement, and i think it might have been sarah palin's speech, remember the panacea, we were going to save all -- solve all our problems by drilling. it was if it was scripted. the whole audience in the convention hall breaks into a chant, "drill, baby, drill, drill, baby, drill," and i know americans had no idea what that was about, because it is only because -- and i was born in 1969. it is only because i am a student of the 1960's that i know that when rioters rioted in the 1960's, the yells, "bur