ecologist daelepstad isesearch the an.fec of worsens whether he gria in the forescanopy ecologist daelepstad mapng ion compu a spatiall the future othe amazon, ndstan the future.tonderstan we reay haveo go back in time and ink abouthe first people who arrived in the amazoon, ndstan the future.tonderstan who camethe ve-- and ink abouthe first people who arrived in the amazoon, and even these psentedobsta. ndstan the future.tonderstan ifouo rth on many ofseibutars--s who anradse ve-- rrator:ch othe rives atoawhh locat in amazonia in th century eurod and built cities like belém, the rain forest was seen as a rich, but impenetrableesource. until the 1970s, belém was accessible to the rest of brazil only by water. then came a wave of road building. so farthe major investmes theasterenof bascture coenatg analong e soutwithoaouave che, then came a wave of road building. and with cheaper access, a lot of economic activities become profitable. narrator: two of the biggest activities are cattle ranching and farming. ( chain saw buzzing ) buthe one at clears the land everything else isogging so whole n