daily. we have behind us here the burial place of our 2000 serbian sees written that was murdered by the star, sir assumed during the 2nd world war, the to the base of the old enough it draws to the seas. good. that's at this. and they old look, uh what's on it, there's only lasted us affordably. the little border is uh, spanish. they did say, you'll be bailey. but what the, when i call in the coffee zebo, when i cause any east of the country, see it that in order to post. i mean, let's all of that. what do i be? lots of lots sale for yo, yo sees could be a video of any keep roy did say he would told me some little would. would that go sees cool. you have a broad yet say, he said i though, but i the most at the study. it's any of those stuff, nickel, money with thing with that need to go and put on the for the duck. what does it, does i put in a pause with a pretty just boy, a se, uh dime as little models as like will it be the envelope will be shipped to what the the, if you was thinking about russia, what does your mind to pick 10, the bottom landscapes open up before your eyes, the water o