everybody but for millennia the generation of americans born between 198119068 could be fatal meet dakota lily he's a senior at new school university entering his final semester this fall once he finishes and graduates he'll be out on his own facing economic circumstances much harsher than previous generations of americans if you look at these problems the fact that it's impacting almost every millennial it's not just a question of someone else it's a you know countrywide and even continent wide problem the conditions that our parents and our grandparents where they had good paying jobs right out of high school didn't even need to go to college get a trade school whatever and have no student debt and still be able to support a family it's just not the case anymore educational debt is a problem for millions of young americans adults ages $22.00 to $38.00 have double the amount of educational debt as gen x. ers the previous generation that came before this might be due to a 100 percent increase in the cost of college tuition despite the job market benefits of having a degree going down significantly