contributing writer at the nation magazine, zack roth who's been in texas reporting on battleground and dale hoaclu's voting rights project. s so, dale, talk to me about a set of laws, sophisticated and elegant rules about registration. i mean is this a kind of new way of suppressing the vote by actually suppressing registration? >> it seems like we're playing a game of whack-a-mole right now. every time we whack down something like a voter i.d. law, some new tactic pops up and that's why the voting rights act was passed in the first place in 1965. so barriers to registration and restrictions on voter registration drives. what texas is doing, other states have tried similar things before. florida, before the 2012 election, they imposed this 48-hour deadline for you to return voter registration forms or you would be fined $50 per form per day late. i was representing the naacp in 2012. they get in trouble for returning two forms four hours late. >> like a recommendation cntal . >> why didn't they return them monday? it was mlk day and they didn't get 24 hours of totaling for that. it was really