rather dalia dippolito was used as a pawn by the boynton beach police department to manufacture good rter: dalia's attorney say boynton beach police undermined its own investigation when the public information officer had the video posted online. >> within several hours video footage by "cops" and boynton beach pd, you went over back to the police department and you posted this on youtube. correct? >> correct. >> and you knew at that time that there was a pending criminal investigation of dalia dippolito, correct? >> the correct. >> reporter: in the end dalia's team contended boynton beach pd had violated dalia's constitutional rights. jurors, they said, look at the motives of the men running the surveillance video and find their target, dalia, not guilty. >> this was a police department in love with publicity. and by virtue of that they tossed dalia dippolito under the bus. >> a police department can't toss a client's constitutional rights under the bus to make good television. >> reporter: as dalia waited for a jury of six to decide her fate, flanked by her attorneys, she spoke excl