>> good afternoon, supervisors my name is daline ranken and i am the manager of the tender loin management corporation, we appreciate the board of supervisor's creative thinking about issues of housing and homelessness, we firmly believe that the best strategies to address these issues are to create more subsidies and increase the supply of affordable housing. we believe that tenant $s deserve choice and access to affordable housing with voluntary support service and our data tell us a little about the experience of tenants after exiting permanent supportive housing and it is antedotal at best. a housing ladder without the availability of subsidy and option is a solution, we strongly encourage the city to embark on an independent coordinated city wide assessment that includes a comprehensive analysis of tenants, types of exits and exit destinations from the permanent supportive house and further this analysis must include an examination of the rates of reentry to shelter and streets and jails and treatment programs and long term board and care facilities. and permanent supportive housing i