what i'm interested in knowing, knowing that it is dallaire we e to share the pain but, unfortunately, we're not the federal government, so that we just can't print money and have stimulus that way. we are not in a position to do that from the standpoint. but we sh what i need to know, e talk about further discussion on rent relief or forgiveness, i need to know how the port is going to fiscally sustain itself during this period of time, because at some point, what is our cash position? what is our cashflow position going to be if we look at some of these programs. we need to look at both sides of the equation. where will our cashflow come from to sustain us and the tenants through this difficult time? i don't have that part of the equation at the moment and katie, you're in the hot seat and i'm sure at some point, you can give us a clear picture. i think we should answer that as we consider all the other measures going forward because we have to have a balanced picture. if we did some things that have been proposed, would we be able to sustain that on the long-tem? long-term? we need