and you might say they're trying to out dallas dulles. they have it in terms of actual time. the last year, i wouldn't want to admit done it in other respects you no. are you able to perform the. no type of activities that modern conditions impose, as you said on a secretary of state the same time keep up contacts with the congress and the american people? i think i've done that. and also perhaps have done that to a greater degree than has been done by any of my predecessors. i have had, i think, a unique record and meetings with the congressional committees. i have not a total i believe at the present time of 100 and over 130 times with the committees of congress, or occasionally with the with groups of leaders on a bipartisan basis, when they met at the white house have i have a a record, i think of more meetings. certainly the rate of meeting, more often with congressional committees and congressional groups than any of my predecessors. so that part of my is not laid at all. i think it's the contrary. we've been able to do that part very well. and i think you talked about