. >> final damagage sesement for governororananfo and for a party ththatsesed self-righteously say, ohcenrere'sot ough, we need another r 11 months of investigatioion d d imimpehmhmenthat we're going to lose? >> you know,w, is s alst not wowoh h sang hypocrisy anymore cacausthere is such hypocrisis yoyoknknowif we were to do to ouour other prprofsision capita ninishnt for this i i don't want to name anyny profession,utut let't'sasay journalism would be cimated. you know half of the n n yorkers, more thanan hf f nt eliot t spzezer ck. you dodoavave be a little bit cacaful about getting rid d of peopoplehoho fl in this way. however, theheececonpress conferercece ialmost worth cacapil l pushment for mark saoror but he doeoes keket and he will ayaynd he does no more hararm. >> margaret cacasoson,apital punishshme a aocate. >> thanks, keith, , go n nht. > last night john mccacain learned what it t anant take on david d leerern from a position weakness. this year r sah h pan will learn on what it means to tataken n david lettermamafrfrom position of w weaeses > when rachel joins yoyoatat t t