vember as an independent so became a democrat and the was something -- thereas no paul on theoad to damascus, some ephany, this was all about self-preseation but the democrats have become the majority party in e house of representatives by winningeats they weren'tupposed to win, in the border states and the south, so -- in this sen, it manot be a harbinger but it's not od news for the democrats. there are retirements on th democratic side -- all t signs that it's going be a tough year for 2010 for democrs -- they're all out there --nd you know, one suspects they n a loof those seats in north carolina and theouth and the near south, they're going to se a ton of them, 20 seats i the areas, they'reemocrats and looking at polital suicide in theace. i wa to say one thing about the parties and how th're reacting. i rely think this health care an is a huge event in our political history. when the new deal was suessful ograms, it created, really, democrat majorities for a long time. the great soety, on the other hand, created republican majoties for a great, long time. i think, however this alth re