he said damnit. and she said, what's your name? damnit jones. she said does your her pick you -- mother pick you up in the afternoon? he said, yes, ma'am. i said, come see me i'd like to see your mother. the teacher knocked on the car window, the poor woman rolled the window down. she said, i meant to come talk to you. he was my ninth child, it was the only thing that came to mind. about three months later, superintendent is out in schools. he happened to be visiting that school, he remembered this young schoolteacher he had hired and he wanned to go into her classroom and see how the kids were doing. she decided she was going to have a spelling bee. she had a talented group of third graders. she started calling out words and they were raising their hand they'd gone nine for nine, the superintendent visibly impressed. she thought now is the time to quit. she turned to go back to the black board. there was damnit with his hand up. she said young man, what's what do you want? he said i'd like to spell chrysanthemum. she said, damnit you can't spel