iowa, jessica yellin is here and in ames, iowa, two of the country's finest political reporters, dan balz"the washington post" and jeff zeleny, and i'm stuck indoors tonight, i'm jealous. dan, to you first, are we going to wake up sunday morning or monday morning and be missing a republican candidate? will somebody come in third or fourth that needed to come in first or second in the ames straw poll and be gone? >> well, it's certainly possible, john. as we all know, governor pawlenty of minnesota has a tremendous amount on the line saturday if he finishes really badly, i'm sure he's determined to stay in, but the question whether he'll really have the resources to be able to do it for any length of time. if he were to win the straw poll or spring a real supplies, you would have a new narrative about his candidacy, so there's a lot on the line for him, but there's a lot on the line for everybody over the next few days. >> a lot on the line for everybody over the next few days, jeff zeleny, and two people not on the straw poll ballot, two people that are not in any of the debates as yet, r