and dan bosch is the manager of regulatory affairs at the national federation of independent business, a trade group opposed to the move. dan, let me start with you. why is reforming overtime going cost jobs, how does it hurt small businesses in. >> well, for small businesses this is just the latest in a long line of government mandates that have been coming out of washington lately. this is on top of a proposed minimum-wage increase, rising health-care cost and a tidal wave of government regulation. these burdens are disproportionately troubling for small businesses. >> what about this idea that this is just part of a larger onslaught that small businesses are feeling? >>. >> i don't think so and in fact n this case it's uniquely different from some of the other policies that dan mentioned. for example, if an employer doesn't want to pay overtime to someone that is time and a half to a worker, they can hire a worker at a straight time wage and that does two things. it actually saves the employer overtime costs and creates more jobs. which is something that we could use about now. and