it went viral, and then dan cain said, you're base chris -- basically on the record now so off to the races we went, and then i met jay at around that same time, and his -- he personally and his athletic reform group, group of faculty have had my back and although it seems like i have had all this hate, which i have, fans are fanatics -- i have had many more supporters encouraging me on because many of us know that this is the truth and that we have seen this ourselves. and we'd like to do something as well but iland to be in the right place at the right ty time have great support from my husband and family and was able to keep it up and wouldn't have been able too do this book. without this guy, because i'm a reading specialist and a learning specialist and i can tell stories but he is the writer. so it's been -- >> you tale good story. >> it's been a great journey and i've learned a lot. >> r. >> as time has gone by you have students who are failing and now you have -- are those same students passing and what courses are they taking or -- >> we can't see the transcripts anymore. the