before the ceremony, she answered questions with a group of eighth grade, ninth grade, and dan chris stevens about your work, a career, and childhood. this is just under an hour. -- she answered questions about her work, her career, and her childhood. [applause] no, it is still on real for me when somebody calls me a rock star. [laughter] me when iside of don't thinkmea i i have gotten old. i still think of myself as about your age. believe it or not, here was, , i was slimurlier and did not have gray hair. but inside i still feel like you. what that makes me think about is the only worthwhile thing of today for u.s. probably that you got the day off from school. [laughter] view are some of wondering it what is she going to say to me that is going to mean anything? i don't know that i can say anything to you that means that much to you right here now, because all i can do is share with you what i have learned that if youife, so have moments like the ones i have had in my life that you might remember my words someday and they may give you a little bit of hope for yourself. you see, when i was