my name is dan doernberg.i will be moderating today's panel and i'm president of the public interest group creates a close reading tool use that uva and 1000 schools all over the world. a couple housekeeping notes, please turn off your cell phones. if you are sweeting the event use the hashtag vabook218. the virginia humanities would like to thank the sponsors and community partners without whom this would not be possible. sponsors of this panel are amnesty international and amnesty was very involved in helping mohammedyou obtain his release, the clergy and lady united for justice and peace and the city of charlottesville. this program is being broadcast on the government access channels are charlottesville tv tenant streamed live on the city's facebook page@charlottesvillecityhall. will be broadcast later on c-span and tv 10. during the q&a portion please raise your hand and wait for a volunteer to bring your microphone before you ask your question and we will try to make sure we have time for a