that's the best way to explain dan dorfman. the face of financial reporting by getting in the face of those whom we were reporting. he reached the corner off this. he crashed this. now, like mike, dan is gone. he died this past weekend. fewer know of dan than mike. even though mike might have given them the business, dan changed business. he changed the behavior of those who run business. up until dan came along, financial news was dull. ceos preached the latest misses from mount olympus. imagine their horror at the scrappy reporter with the odd outfit and the thick accent from brooklyn, no less. he was forever underrated by suggests until it was too late. dan was that guy. so connected. so plugged in. try as you might, you couldn't afford to tune him out. god knows, a lot of ceos tried. whether at the "wall street journal" or business week or cnn. cnbc. dan was a guy you did not ignore. he didn't just report on the markets. dan moved the markets. i remember while i was at cnbc in the early days when few had the network, people