robinson stays quiet until dan durea is given the chair.hen, a free man now to paint or whatever he wants to do, it turns out that he's not free. so now he walks around with their voices forever in his head. he's just led to his fate which is to be alone in an empty world. there's a tremendous abundance of things to discuss in the movies and that one can learn in general about culture and the way that it functions, particularly in the modern world. (narrator) a chance encounter becomes a tale of genre theory, feminist analysis, and auterism. "scarlet street" will open your eyes. it will show you things you never knew existed. it's a rare film for really allowing us to see the pressures and the constraints and the demands on masculinity on men for an ideal of masculinity. i think in lang's kind of worldview, what he sees is that that little guy is going to lose, you know, that the cynics of the world are going to be able to prey on people who are believers. "scarlet street" could be considered film noir for a number of reasons. first of all,