dan ellsberg. dan, it is an honor and a privilege to have you participating today. a diane are muted for the time in your life. you're muted. not sure my wife would love to have looked like that. we've just heard my former boss secretary mcnamara make a reasonably long statement. that was accurate. we're unusually privileged on that occurrence and something very unusual for, a former official to say we were mistaken in what we believe at this particular time when i was in office the message, went out to people announcing this conference, had them wrapping it, which i first saw on the first day i was back in the pentagon that was tuesday, october third, the day after the president's speech. like some of the rest, you i watched that speech. my in california was telling him i had no precursor of it. i was particularly struck by one statement that was made that a single nuclear warhead which you can find there were a number the caribbean against, the united states or anyone else in latin america would result in a full retaliatory response like the soviet union might, on