dan flynn: olive oil has been here for about 250 years in california, first brght up by spanish missionaries on their way up through mexico, and they wound up in san diego, planted olive trees, and it was through those missions that the olive industry grew in california. about 25 years ago, the modern olive oil industry in california got off the ground. producers in the wine country areas of california who had visited europe had tasted some really great olive oil, and they wanted to produce a similar style here in california. mckay: our people have always been farmers in that sense of cultivating the natural plants and foliage that are around us. we're used to providing our own food products through acorns and other trees and other crops, but to take a totally foreign entity and turn it into a product was daunting, and it was also triguing. the university of california davis is just 25 miles south of us. and so it was natural for me to go there and look for professional help. flynn: the yocha dehes been a great partner of ours. they attend our courses on olive growing, on sensory evaluation