joining us now, former israeli ambassador to the u.n., dan gillerman. hello, sir. have you here again on our program. >> thank you, uma, it's good to be with you. >> let me get your reaction to what we have been hearing, that both sides are hoping to move forward towards some type of a deal, but yet we are also hearing no side is willing to take the first move. >> well, israel has taken the first move several times. israel has agreed to five or six cease-fires which were all broken by hamas, including the latest humanitarian cease-fire. it is quite obvious that israel will not -- will not negotiate under fire. this is something we cannot do, will not do, and i don't think anybody expects us to do. if hamas ceases the fire, we will continue our negotiations not with hamas. hamas is not a partner to anything. we will negotiate with egypt, we will try to restore egypt's leadership over the arab world, and together with other partners in the region, with saudi arabia, with some of the gulf states, hopefully with the cooperation and help of the united states and europe