tons of business that love tons of is going on including investments in new airplanes reporter dan hirschfeld hitched a ride on a test flight and finds out that the tons of troubles may be partly its own making you go here and be across. the board of tons of pie little bishnoi opens the throttle on this airbus a 350 for a test flight in the skies over the toulouse assembly plant germany's biggest airline placed its order for the modern efficient aircraft some years ago the fact this acceptance flight is taking place during the biggest crisis in la times is history hasn't escaped the pilot's attention. if it's an important signal to my colleagues who are sitting either at home or on short term work these are tough times but it's important to look towards the medium in the long term to see that things do get better and things continue. working. the a $350.00 has a catalog price of $300000000.00 euros and love tons of specialists are checking every detail. every 13 ask to see what's. before the money changes hands bullish norman puts the plane through its paces with a series of stomach churning